Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Most In Demand Job Skills Might Not Be The Ones You Think

lucky sun/Getty Images]

Raise your hand if you’ve gotten so familiar with some of your tasks at work that you can do them practically without thinking. Some rote tasks become this seamless nearly instantly, yet others require certain skills to start with and that muscle develops over time, the more you complete each one.

This became so clear to me this week when training two new team members on parts of our system. The good news is that it forced me to slow down and think through how best to explain each step and what skills are needed to tackle each project.

The mix of technical skills and soft/creative ones were thrown into high relief and I couldn’t help but wonder: What are the most basic skills anyone could use to accomplish the most mundane items on a to-do list as well as the more amorphous aspects of teamwork and collaboration?....

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