Saturday, March 9, 2024

How To Overcome Procrastination 

If you’re wondering how to overcome procrastination or searching for scientific ways to stop procrastinating, we’ve got you covered. This article includes 7 ways to overcome procrastination. Whether we’re therapists or clients—a quarter of us procrastinate. Research suggests that chronic procrastination rates could be as high as 20-25% in the general population—and certain populations, like students, experience even higher levels of procrastination. 

Even if you yourself don’t ever procrastinate, chances are a quarter of your clients are procrastinators. There are numerous benefits of overcoming procrastination. Chronic procrastination can have a significantly negative impact on health, happiness, and well-being, which is why it’s so important—whether for yourself or your clients—to understand how to overcome procrastination.

So how, exactly, do you move past procrastination and get things done? Let’s dive into the scientific ways to stop procrastinating, and how they can improve your quality of life…

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