Sunday, March 24, 2024

How To Make Family Dinners More Impactful

PR Image Factory (Shutterstock)

Meals are a constant consideration in any busy household. Under my roof, not only are there neurodivergent traits, an eating disorder history, and single-parenting struggles to account for, but also the reality of our daily schedule:

Sometimes we’re spilling through the door at 6:15 p.m., hangry from a day at school, work, and activities, and there’s limited time before the youngest needs to go to bed (or have a meltdown trying). Amidst the chaos, it would be understandable if family dinners fell by the wayside—but there are important reasons to keep up the practice.

I’m frequently getting the messaging about the “importance of family dinner,” which is backed by research and expert opinion. I asked mindfulness coach Kristi Coppa, founder of Wondergrade, an emotional learning app and parent resource, for advice on navigating the reality of family dinner…

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