Monday, September 9, 2024

How AI Is Used To Scam You & What You Can Do About It

Alisa Stern, Shutterstock / Inside Creative House – In-House Art

There’s a lot of hype around AI, and just as much fear. But anxiety over pie-in-the-sky scenarios involving sentient robots and supercomputers obfuscates the real threats that already exist, like AI-assisted scams.

Scammers, hackers, and other malicious actors use AI in many ways, but the ultimate goal is usually the same as other online schemes—to get you to click on fake links or download malware that can steal your personal data, take over your accounts and devices, or spy on you….Story continues

By: Brendan Hesse

Source:  Lifehacker



Scammers can use common tools to generate convincing fake content, automate phishing attacks, manipulate data, or create deepfakes to impersonate individuals or fabricate false information. AI is also employed to automate attacks at high speed and on a huge scale. Almost half (48%) of Americans believe that the rise of AI has made them less “scam-savvy” than ever before, according to new research.

Despite AI’s infancy, companies that use AI tools have already identified risks. Concerns can range from privacy and cybersecurity issues to third-party relationships and data bias. By exploring the potential risks, leaders can work to mitigate them. Constant Bluetooth connectivity opens the door for hackers to send a SPAM text (“bluejacking”), which can lead to them accessing your email and other personal information on your phone (“bluesnarfing”), and even taking total control of your phone (“bluebugging”).

However, there are still signs you can look for to help you spot AI-generated text. Inconsistencies and repetition: Occasionally, AI produces nonsensical or odd sentences which can be a clear indicator of AI-generated text. Bill Gates is one of AI’s most enthusiastic proponents but is wary of the technology’s limitations. While AI is remarkably effective at some tasks, its weaknesses are becoming clearer. Gates said the key to current AI models is to have “data that embodies the expertise.”

Humans largely trust other humans because we share the same human experience, but this doesn’t extend to artificial intelligence, even though humans created it. In reality, AI learns what we humans teach it. Sometimes clients complain that an AI tool did something wrong, or did not deliver what it was asked to do. There are many ways to make money using AI. For example, beginners can use an AI content creator to produce blog posts and monetize them using platforms like Google Adsense.

On the other hand, experts can develop their own AI products and sell them or offer AI consulting services to larger companies. The loss of privacy was the top concern for both groups, with 79 percent of experts and 66 percent of the public saying AI will have a negative impact. If you believe science fiction, then you don’t understand the meaning of the word fiction. The short answer to this fear is: No, AI will not take over the world, at least not as it is depicted in the movies.

A phone number alone is not enough for someone to hack your bank account. But, as outlined above with regard to someone having your email address, someone with your phone number could potentially call or text you as part of a phishing scam with the ultimate aim of hacking money from your accounts. Poor performance, unusual activity, and device crashes are all signs of a compromised phone.

If you find apps running sluggishly, or your phone takes too long to perform relatively basic functions, these could be hints that malware is taking up your system’s resources.How to avoid AI detection?

  1. Rephrase sentence structure and format.
  2. Use synonyms and similar words.
  3. Use an anti-AI detector aka text humanizer.
  4. Avoid repetitive keywords and phrases.
  5. Share personal anecdotes and perspectives.
  6. Use descriptive prompts.
  7. Use paraphrasing tools.
  8. Use competent AI writing tools.

QuillBot’s AI content detector tool is trained with advanced algorithms to identify repeated words, awkward phrases, and unnatural flow, which are key indicators that the content is AI-generated. By embracing responsible AI development, establishing ethical frameworks, and implementing effective regulations, we can ensure that AI remains a powerful tool that serves humanity’s interests rather than becoming a force of domination.

So, the answer to the question- Will AI replace humans?, is undoubtedly a BIG NO. If AI algorithms are biased or used in a malicious manner — such as in the form of deliberate disinformation campaigns or autonomous lethal weapons — they could cause significant harm toward humans. Though as of right now, it is unknown whether AI is capable of causing human extinction.

The extent to which artificial intelligence (AI) can be trusted depends on several factors, including the specific AI system, its design, the data it was trained on, and the context in which it is used. AI chatbots store data on servers, which can become vulnerable to hacking attempts or breaches. These servers hold a wealth of information that cybercriminals can exploit in various ways. They can infiltrate the servers, steal the data, and sell it on dark web marketplaces.

AI is neither inherently good nor bad. It is a tool that can be used for both beneficial and harmful purposes, depending on how it is developed and used. It is important to approach AI with caution and responsibility, ensuring that it is developed and used in an ethical and transparent manner. AI is a complex technology that most people do not fully understand. The fear of the unknown can create panic and anxiety, leading people to believe in the worst-case scenarios. Movies, such as Terminator and War Games add to the panic and anxiety.

AI Scam Using Your Family’s Voices Giant Freakin Robot 22:31 Fri, 08 Mar

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