Tuesday, May 7, 2024

TRK Neverending Email Content For More Front-End Magic

Credit to: arminhamidian

The money is not in the list, my friend. It never has been.The money is in the emails that you send to the list. You can have a list of 250k subscribers, but if you're not sending them emails, then you're not earning an income. Your list is useless!It's as simple as that. The problem is, most folks simply aren't sending emails to their lists. Not consistently, anyway. What's worse is that a lot of people aren't even building their lists in the first place! 

Why not? For many, it's because they fear the email marketing part. What's the point in building a list if you can't trust yourself to send daily promotional emails? I mean, what will you even promote? And that's the biggest problem I've seen with list building and email marketing over my 15+ years doing this stuff. Sure, my own email marketing has earned me an absolute fortune... but I'm an outlier. The average aspiring email marketer makes... well, nothing at all!

Obviously going out and getting a job (or another job) is an option for more income, but it's really just a temporary solution. You can't work forever. And you'll probably be less happy along the way. Jobs never pay you what you're worth, anyway. Basically, we have to make this online thing happen. But again, without an ongoing follow-up system in place, the thought of building an email list large enough to change your life is... well, it's daunting. And for a great many among us, it's flat-out prohibitive.

So what, then? Just "hope" to get lucky some day?That's clearly a fool's errand. Rather, I recommend that you...and when I say I've done it all for you, I mean it both ways...1. I did it 100% by hand. I did it. Me personally. :) Using my own expertise in the area of online income-generation, I painstakingly crafted over 1000 emails for you. No AI, no virtual assistants. Each and every email was written from a place of authority and care. 

It was written by a real-life, very successful online entrepreneur. I know what I'm talking about. These emails don't read like a bot churned 'em out just for the sake of putting content in your hands. They were written by someone who genuinely wants to help you, by having you genuinely help your email subscribers! The emails are thoughtful, fun, playful at times, highly-engaging, and most importantly... they'll get your audience to open, read, and click through to your offers.

I did it all. I wrote the emails. I edited, and in many cases, even rewrote the emails. I loaded them into LeadsLeap (the autoresponder we're using with this process... you only need an import my share code and you'll have 1000 emails going out for you over the span of approximately 3 years).I formatted them so they look amazing...I created full training for you so that you'll know what products to promote, and how to promote them without ever having to research, review, or gain intimate knowledge of them. 

1000+ hand-written evergreen follow-up emails for nearly 3 years worth of passive, hands-free, and ongoing marketing. NEVER write another email EVER again. These emails are written by me, loaded by me, edited by me, formatted by me, and ready for you to import with a simple share code. Full training provided. This is unlike anything else! Just plug them in and your job is done... in 60 seconds or less. That's not hyperbole! :)


Source: https://therotatorkit.com/


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