Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How To Approach Vacation Planning For Maximum Enjoyment


Let me know if this sounds familiar: I need a vacation, you say to yourself, likely over dinner after a long day at work. You feel energized by the idea and you start Googling flight prices. You probably stop and start this process several times, cowed by the cost. You start making mental calculations. I’ll only be able to be there for five full days.

I’m going to blow all my savings. Is it really worth it? Finally, even more burnt out than before, you decide that screw it, you need this, and you go ahead and book your trip. But your excitement only lasts for a day or two, maybe a week at most. Then, more anxieties start to creep their way into your consciousness.

Can I afford the time off work? Why am I spending on this when I should be saving money? What’s the point of going away anyway, I’ll just have work when I come home to catch up on? And now that you mention it, where, exactly, is my suitcase?….Story continues

By: Aaron Millar

Source: How to Approach Vacation Planning for Maximum Enjoyment


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