Wednesday, April 24, 2024

How Big Oil Is Taking Us For a Fossil Fuelized Ride 

Chris LeBoutillier

A recent opinion poll rocked the world of the Big Oil lobbyists in their proverbial thousand-dollar suits and alligator shoes. The Pew Research Center found that 37% of Americans now feel that fighting the climate crisis should be the number one priority of Joe Biden and Congress, and another 34% put it among their highest priorities, even if they didn’t rank it first.

Companies like ExxonMobil and countries like Saudi Arabia have tried since the 1990s to gaslight the public into thinking climate change was either a total fantasy or that the burning of coal, natural gas, and petroleum wasn’t causing it. Having lost that battle, the fossil-fuel lobbyists have now fallen back on Plan B.

They want to convince you that Big Oil is itself swinging into action in a major way to transition to — yes! — green energy. The hosting of the recent COP28 climate summit by the United Arab Emirates, one of the world’s leading petroleum exporters, exemplified exactly this puffery and, sadly enough, it’s just one instance of this greenwashing world of ours…..Story continues


Source: How Big Oil is Taking Us for a Fossil-Fuelized Ride –


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