Thursday, March 14, 2024

Use The 5 Whys To Be More Productive 


Planning your next moves is pretty crucial for being productive, but it’s only helpful if those plans are well informed. To succeed, you need to understand why previous attempts at similar tasks didn’t pan out how you wanted them to. Conducting a personal after-action review is one way to assess your work, but to truly understand what went wrong and prepare for future tries, you need to dig deep. Try the “Five Whys” technique to get to the bottom of things.

What is the “Five Whys” technique?

You should know, first of all, that this is yet another productivity protocol that springs from Japan’s famed factory system, like the 5S and 3M techniques. Basically, once you identify a problem, you’re going to ask, “Why?” five times, which will ultimately reveal the true root cause of the issue—and what you need to focus on fixing.

How to use “Five Whys” for problem solving

Some variations of the technique call on you to assemble a team for brainstorming before doing this, but if you’re assessing a personal issue, that part is pretty adaptable. Your “team” can be the people posting on forums about the problem, for instance, or a group chat with your friends…

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