EVERYONE struggles with list building…If you’re here, it’s likely because you’re still struggling to build a list and make the money you want online. But, I’m also guessing that you have tried a lot of different options before,right? Have you tried posting on social media only to find that people aren’t engaging with your posts and the platform has limited how many people see your posts in the first place?
Have you started a YouTube channel only to realise each video takes hours to record, edit, render and upload… Every single week? And, even then, you can’t monetise your videos until you have thousands of hours of watch time…But, once you start, you can’t stop! You’re stuck on the content treadmill, hoping that the next post will be the big one.
And, the time you’re spending on videos, blogs and other posts is taking time away from activities that could actually make you money. It’s all very well if you’re passionate about your niche but if your main goal is to grow an income these methods can leave you feeling frustrated & hamstrung. But, there is another way.
Right now, it’s easier to start a podcast than ever, the barrier to entry is very low and it’s nowhere near as intimidating as getting on camera. Plus, the reach you get from a podcast blows both blogs and YouTube channels out of the water, letting you quickly and easily build an audience in a way that other marketers could only dream of.
That’s because there are so few podcasts, only around 2 million in the world right now… That’s far fewer than the 30+ million YouTube channels or the 500+ million blogs that are saturating the market. The method we are going to show you is so simple, anyone can do it! What’s more, you will quickly be building an audience who will hang on to your every word. This is perfect if you want to generate extra affiliate commissions or sell your own products.
All you need is a microphone (You don’t even need to spend a fortune on this. You may already have one), a few free/cheap apps and the secrets revealed in this training. Just follow the simple 5-Step process and start generating a regular income in as little as an hour a week….
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