Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Where Are You? Heaven On Earth (Poetry)


Lying on a bed of leaves

my eyes busy as buzzy bees
this way there and there in that
intently searching where they be at
seeking those tantalizing cleaver thieves
who unashamedly steal with ease.

Oh yes they do they very well do
for they took without a crumb of a clue
a diamond earring of mine
while I was in my garden so fine
yet everywhere I desperately looked
I knew I was fully and completely fooked.

So I offered a selection of sparkly gems
in exchange for my diamond … ahem!
except that in that pitiable plight
my diamond was still nowhere in sight
as if in that fairy’s unforeseen flight
the snatching classified as supersonic aright!

So don’t be getting fooled
when twinkly sparkly jewels
go missing for no untold reason
for you see the wee fairies have hit a dry season
needing some sparkly treasure
for use in their fairy trade pleasures.

I tried I really tried to find those fairies. However the following pictures do attest where I laid upon their sacred ground they showed me magic yes pure unadulterated MAGIC! They revealed themselves to me in a most unique way laying on the ground and using my 100mm macro lens.

No special effects were used in my editing process. I do admit on the other hand I enhanced colors to bring drama into play. Other than that, the fairies honestly did give me quite the show. And now I share with you. Are you able to spot a fairy or two?

By: AmyRose

Source: Where Are You? ‹ Heaven On Earth ‹ Reader —

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