Monday, May 6, 2024

We All Want To Cut Out The Bad Parts of Ourselves. It Won’t Work, and It Won’t Make Us Happier 

Guardian Design / Getty images

hen I was a little girl, I cried a lot. I used to wish ferociously that I was not such a crybaby. I remember the shame so well. Sitting on my bed on a Sunday evening, hot-cheeked and furious with my tears, holding on to the thought that when I was a grownup, I would never cry.

I would be a strong, confident and capable woman, and I would never again feel like a sobbing little girl who doesn’t want to go to school tomorrow and just wants to stay with her mum. I hated that part of myself and I desperately wanted to get rid of it. That is what a better life meant to me back then.

Since becoming a psychotherapist, I have seen this kind of wish at play in patient after patient – and I’ve continued to see it in myself as a patient in therapy, too. It seems to be a pretty ubiquitous desire, although we are not always aware of it….Story continues


Source: We all want to cut out the bad parts of ourselves. It won’t work, and it won’t make us happier | Life and style | The Guardian


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