Monday, May 27, 2024

The Pregnancy Penalty: Dismantling Stigmas In The Workplace


Pregnancy can be one of the most transformative experiences in a woman’s life. But for many, a positive test also heightens anxiety about one’s career, and how others will react to the news. During my first pregnancy I gained weight early on, and remember one of my bosses saying it looked like I had one too many client lunches.

I hadn’t told anyone. I then felt compelled to share the news sooner than planned. This set the tone and I didn’t take maternity leave thinking if I did, someone would replace me. I also didn’t pump. Breast pumps were enormous and noisy and didn’t fit easily under your blouse like they do today.

There were so many stigmas, and zero laws to protect pregnant women from discrimination. And if you were fortunate enough to even be given maternity leave, it was often unpaid. Unfortunately, many stigmas surrounding pregnancy still exist, and I was pregnant 30 years ago..Continue reading


Source: The Pregnancy Penalty: Dismantling Stigmas In The Workplace


Read more:

New Workplace Pregnancy And Breastfeeding Rights That Workers Need To Know Forbes 18:29 Tue, 30 Apr 

In the last hour
In the last 4 hours
In the last 6 hours
In the last 8 hours

Workplace besties Bangalore Mirror 05:31 Sat, 25 May 


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