Sunday, May 5, 2024

Experimental Antibody Drug Prevents and Even Reverses Diabetes Onset


Scientists have developed a promising new drug that could prevent and even reverse the onset of type 1 diabetes. The experimental monoclonal antibody drug acts like a shield to protect insulin-producing cells from damage, even extending lifespan in some cases.

Type 1 diabetes occurs when a patient’s immune system begins attacking the beta cells in their pancreas. These important cells produce insulin, and without them patients become unable to manage their blood glucose levels, resulting in a lifetime of managing injections and potential health complications.

But in a new study, scientists at Johns Hopkins Medicine have found a potential way to prevent the onset of the disease, or even reverse it in the early stages. Known as mAb43, the new drug is a monoclonal antibody, an experimental therapy that’s showing promise against a range of diseases.

By: Michael Irving

Source: Experimental antibody drug prevents and even reverses diabetes onset


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